Health & Safety
Our number one priority is to keep the children in our care safe and healthy. Please do not bring your child to school ill. If your child becomes ill while at school, we will notify you and your child will need to be picked up within one hour. The Health Department regulations prohibit the admittance of any child into a daycare center that exhibits any of the following symptoms:
- Fever – 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Runny nose – other than clear
- Rash
- Discharge from eyes or ears
- Lice
- Any other communicable disease (chicken pox, pink eye, influenza, etc.)
If your child shows any of these symptoms, please keep him/her at home for a minimum of 24 hours. If your child has seen a doctor and been on an antibiotic for a full 24 hours, he/she will be allowed to return to the daycare classroom. Thank you for your help with this matter – we know how important your child’s health is to you!

Immunization Policy
Per state law, all public, private, and parochial day care centers, preschools and nursery schools shall notify the parent or guardian of each child currently enrolled in or attending the facility of whether there are children currently enrolled in or attending the facility for whom an immunization exemption has been filed.
Medication Policy
Child care regulations prohibit us from giving your child prescription medication of any kind unless we are provided with a note from your pediatrician. All over-the-counter medicines such as Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Motrin and Orajel, need to have a permission to administer medical form completed by the guardian. All medicine must be in the original labeled container.
Medical Authorization FormEmergency Care
Minor bumps and scrapes are inevitable, but we make every effort to keep your child safe through close supervision and childproofing. Minor injuries will receive the appropriate first aid. If emergency illness or injury occurs, you will be contacted immediately. If you cannot be reached, we will call your emergency contact numbers to make medical decisions in an emergency situation.
Security Cameras
Talented Tots Learning Center continues to research ways to ensure the security and safety of our students and staff. As part of our commitment to the highest standards, we have surveillance cameras installed at each of our locations. We place high priority on student and teacher safety. The cameras are only one piece of a much larger school safety plan, including monthly drills, visitor registration, door access control, and panic buttons. The addition of surveillance cameras within Talented Tots' childcare facilities has many added benefits such as:
- SECURITY: Cameras keep children and childcare staff safe. They are a very effective deterrent of any crime.
- PERFORMANCE: People tend to behave/perform better when there are cameras around. The cameras will also guide us in classroom instruction for more effective development for our teachers.
- ADDED SUPERVISION: Owners/Directors can better monitor the entire facility and supervise/observe staff's interactions with children and with other staff members more effectively.
- PEACE OF MIND: Our daycare cameras will help provide peace of mind to our parents and our staff.